Monday, April 19, 2010

The Problem

There are only about 16 shark attacks each year on humans in the United States, and slightly less than one death per every two years on average. Which isn’t that many compared to how many people are actually in the water every year. Most of the public is scared of sharks because of what they see on television. Lightning kills an average of 41 people each year, but you don’t see people scared to death of going outside during a thunderstorm. It is all about the public perception. When statistics increase on individuals getting attacked over a long period of time, you have to realize there are more people swimming in the ocean these days. It is all just a misunderstanding. Sharks are just curious animals. They do not have hands, so they cant just touch something when they want to find out what something is. They bite into it to see what that object is. The splashing and thrashing of humans out in the water looks similar to there food source especially in murky water. You cant blame them for being curious. Humans are just as bad if not worse. You know you have that one friend that is so nosey you just want to slap them in the face. Well some sharks have that same problem. Shark attacks occur, but they rarely result in them eating humans. People mainly die because of blood lose. They are not vicious animals that want to eat us, but humans see this as a problem and have to link some sort of reasoning on why they are doing this. This is when shark feeding comes into play.


Here is a good link for useful facts most people do not know about sharks.

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