Monday, April 19, 2010

Feeding Sharks

The feeding of sharks has been going on for decades now. Dive companies feed sharks to make money. It's there job. Tourists come from all over the world come to dive with the sharks. The divers are out in the water while the company throws bait into the water to attract the sharks to come around them. The company itself is enjoying it because they are getting paid to teach people about sharks and the people are enjoying it because they are getting the thrill of a lifetime. The tourists then return home and explain how great of a time they had and sometimes recommend other people to experience what they did. But there is much controversy involved in this practice. People argue that the feeding of the sharks is disrupting the environment and want it to be banned. Shark attacks have increased over the last couple years, so researchers are looking to find an answer. The fingers are first pointed at the dive companies.
Picture: Provided by photobucket.

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