Saturday, May 1, 2010


This is my blog coming to an end. I hope ya'll enjoyed it. It was a delightful experience for me. I feel that I did the best I could with a hard topic choice. If I could go back and do it again, I definitely would of picked a topic that had more information out there for me. My topic was pretty much all opinions so it was hard to find good research. I did my best with what I had. In the mean time, ill see ya out in the water. Hopefully shark free. Thanks again -Trent Glover


Scientists and researches need to come up with some clear evidence that the attacks on humans have any relation to the shark feeding itself. Until this happens, It shouldn’t be banned. Fatalities from shark attacks aren’t that common, but I believe more people care about this issue because people fear sharks. In 2007 dogs killed 33 people in the United States as appose to sharks kill an average of 3 people, but most individuals don’t think twice about owning dogs. The public image of these creatures has a bad reputation and that is why this is such a big issue. Research and statistics need to be provided before this proposal is banned. That is the best way to deal with the ordeal.
Picture: Provided by Photobucket.

No Link Proven

There is no true link between shark baiting and shark attacks on humans. Since people can't prove it, it shouldn't be banned. It helps our economy by bringing in money and teaches people about the true power of sharks. You can't go wrong with that! The feeding should not be banned for our livelihood. There sharks are in the water no matter what. Millions of people swim in the ocean everyday around the world, so yes a few people will get attacked on occasion. But you cant freak out about it and start pointing fingers. We are swimming in there territory and they are going to defend it. It is like when something is in your house you don't want in there, like a spider or something. You kill it or remove it because you want to defend your territory. There isn't much of a difference of what we are doing compared to what some of the sharks are doing.
Picture: Provided by photobucket.